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Release Resistance to Changing your Food

When we change our food, we change our lives. Transformation almost ALWAYS comes one bite at a time. This course will help you make that transition:

WITHOUT fear of failing

WITHOUT fear of success (It's more common than you think!)

WITHOUT the pain of losing your favorite foods

EMPOWERED to shift your family dynamic around food

COMFORTABLE with your new eating pattern and your day to day schedule

I lost 35 lbs "sitting on the couch" in 2012. I call it this because I didn't count calories or really exercise. I had back-to-back pregnancies and was completely exhausted. My adrenals couldn't handle the stress of exercise or the anxiety that comes with calorie counting! I HAD to change my food or I was going to have irreversible health issues. 

The information in this course is the KEY to what changed my mentality around food. It opened my world so I could move forward confidently in my new eating plan. And I've kept the weight off ever since!

If you want to change your food and change your life, you HAVE to change your mentality. Which means you have to re-write your emotional programming. This course contains everything you need to change your emotional programming around food.

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 Release Resistance to Changing food
 $ 37.00 USD

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